Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Twelve Apostles (Early Disciples Of Jesus)

The Gospel of John does not offer a formal list of apostles, although it refers to "the twelve" in a single scene (John 6:67-71). However, the gospel does not present any elaboration of who "the twelve" actually were. There is also no separation of "apostles" and "disciples" in John. Only the following disciples are mentioned:
  • Peter
  • Andrew (identified as Peter's brother)
  • "the sons of Zebedee" (presumably meaning John and James, although they are not named)
  • Philip
  • Nathanael
  • Thomas (also called Didymus)[11:16] [20:24] [21:2]
  • Judas Iscariot
  • "Judas (not Iscariot)"[14:22](probably Thaddeus/Jude)

Matthew [Mt 10:1-4]Mark [Mk 3:13-19]Luke [Lk 6:12-16]
Simon, called PeterSimon, surnamed PeterSimon, who he named Peter
Andrew, his brotherAndrewAndrew, his brother
James, son of ZebedeeJames, son of ZebedeeJames
John, his brotherJohn the brother of James (called Boanerges)John
Matthew, the tax collectorMatthewMatthew
James, son of AlphaeusJames, son of AlphaeusJames, son of Alphaeus
Thaddeus (also called Lebbaeus)ThaddeusJudas the son of James
Simon the CananaeanSimon the CananaeanSimon the Zealot
Judas IscariotJudas IscariotJudas Iscariot


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