Sunday, November 19, 2006


The Niche of lights

Saturday, November 18, 2006





















Friday, November 17, 2006


Purification of the heart


The Qur'an Thomas Cleary

Monday, November 13, 2006

Bits of History

Once Allahs Prophet (SAW) was passing by and Husein was crying, he said "Don't let him cry, his crying harms me."

The Kharijites planned to kill
Muawiya (RA)
Amr ibn Al-Aas (RA)
Ali (RA)

In Huseins (radi allahu anhu), days, Muawiya had passed on and the new king was Yazid. Husein (radi allahu anhu), left Al-Medinah and stayed in Makkah for four months.The people in Al-Kufa were sending messages and writing letters to Husein telling him "to come to Kufa- we will be your supporters. In the meantime, Husein (radi allahu anhu), had sent Muslim ibn Aqueel (radi allahu anhu) , who is his cousin, to Kufa to try to understand if there is going to be possible to have a base for political and military opposition in that part of the Muslim territory. When Muslim ibn Aqueel arrived in Kufa, there were 12,000 people who were demonstrating their support for Husein.This grows to 18,000 to 30,000 supporters. So, Husein left Makkah on the 8th of Dhil Hijjah, two days before Eid, when the Hajj was climaxing. Ubaidullah ibn Ziyaad the governor of Kufa arrested Muslim ibn Aqueel and beheaded him on the day after Husein left Makkah, it was on the 9th of Dhil Hijjah.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Suez Crisis

1. 29 October: Israeli paratroops dropped east of town of Suez
2. 30 October: More paratroops dropped to the east of Mitla Pass. Troops begin crossing the border at Qussaima.
3. 31 October: British bombs dropped on Cairo and Cairo international airport
4. 2 November: Israeli paratroops land near Al Tor, west of Sinai
5. 5 November: British paratroops land west of Port Said. French paratroops land south of Port Said
6. 5 November: Israelis capture Sharm al-Sheikh to lift blockade of Gulf of Aqaba.
7. 6 November: Anglo-French invasion force bombardment and landings
8. 7 November: Anglo-French forces claim to have occupied most of the Suez Canal zone as far as Ismailia, when UN orders a halt to fighting 21 November: First UN troops land at Port Said 23 November: British and French forces begin withdrawal from Egypt 22 December: Withdrawal completed at midnight

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Movies I enjoyed recently

Friday, November 03, 2006

Bits of history

In the year 122 AH Al-Imam Zaid ibn Ali, grandson of Al-Imam Al-Husein- Zaid the son of Ali the son of Husein the son of Ali (radi Allahu anhu) revolted against Umawi ruler Hishaam ibn Abdul Malik with 218 followers against 12,000 Umawi troops in Kufa. On the 3rd day he was killed and secretly buried. But the Authority came to know of the whereabouts and dug him out of his grave and then they put him on a cross for four years in public until his son Yahya began a revolt against the following ruler Waleed ibn Yazid. The authorities then brought down the exposed body, there was no clothes on his body and burnt it and threw the ashes into the Euphrates river. This is the time during Al-Imam Abu Hanifa.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Bits of History

Do people think or calculate that they are going to be left alone just to pronounce the verbal words of Imaan, without being exposed to a fitnah? (Surah Al-Ankabut verse 2)

After Al-Imam Al-Husein (radi Allahu anhu) went through the gallant opposition in Karbala during Ashura and gained the ultimate privilege, there was another opposition figure in Makkah and Al-Medinah, and that was Abdullah ibn Az-Zubair (radi Allahu anhu). Yazid, sends a military commander,Muslim ibn Uqbah to ibn Zubair and say "Look, the only thing we ask of you is to accept the legitimacy of Yazid." At the time, ibn Az-Zubair was in Makkah. He said "No." They said, "If need be, we'll bring the army to Makkah and we'll do what we have to do- and if that means we're going to have to kill you, we're going to have to kill you."Ibn Az-Zubair said "We are in the vicinity of the Haram in Makkah, Al-Balad Al-Haram and around the Ka'ba and you want to use force in this sacred area. Even birds and pigeons are safe in this inviolable area." They said "Safe?!" Then they took out their arrows and there were pigeons that were flying around and they were saying, while ibn Az-Zubair was watching "OK pigeon, if you don't recognize the legitimacy of Yazid, here goes my arrow." Then, they'd release an arrow and kill a pigeon. They did this continuously.They sent that armed force of several thousand to Al-Medinah, and tell the people "We give you three days to reconsider your position and if you don't reconsider, terrible and horrible things are going to happen." They killed 700 Tabieen and they killed three from the Sahaba of Rasulillah.They violated the virginity or around 1,000 Muslim women. They had another 1,000 women who became pregnant from them. There were another 1,000 orphans who were born after this raid on Al-Medinah who had no fathers. After a few weeks or so, Yazid dies and then, another ruler by the name of Abdul Malik comes and he continues this policy. Also, this Uqbah also dies. He sends another few thousand men under arms to invade and, in their own words, "to flush out Makkah of ibn Az-Zubair and his followers." They used Al-Manjaneek to lob or throw these rocks, and they put inflammable material on it, so that when it lands, it burns whatever the intended target was. What was their intended target? The Ka'ba. They kill ibn Az-Zubair.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Bits of history

Marwan ibn Al-Hakam stood up on the Mimbar in the Masjid of Allahs Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam) in Medinah and said to the Muslim public, "Indeed, Allah has chosen Yazid, the son of Muawiya, as the crown prince."; In response to him. Abdullah ibn Umar (radi Allahu anhu) stood up to him and said "This is the Sunnah of the Roman or Persian kings. Abu Bakr and Umar (radi Allahu anhuma) never sought to have this issue a family affair such as you are doing by trying to tell us that the son of a king is also a king. We understand you as saying to us that an imposed ruler has the authority to impose a ruler."
In the Qur'an, there is a continuous stimulant for us to think, but how far can we go in utilizing the gift of thinking that Allah has given us. Is it unlimited or is it disciplined? Allah has many references in the Qur'an to the disciplining of thought
Indeed, in that there are expressions of Allahs power for people who discipline their thoughts
(Surah An-Nahl verse 12)
And they said, if we could only reason or tame our thoughts after having listened, we would have been spared the companionship of those who are enthralled by the punishment, the fire (Surah Al-Mulk verse 10-11)

Adh-Dhaat, His essence;
As-Sifaat, those words that describe Him
Al-Af'aal, what He does.